Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Deepavali

Future always right, not matter how, the future always better than you because we keep improve from time to time, the way to keep in touch is by improve the way you are, improve the technology behind you. keep it up then make the impossible thing to become usable thing.

This semester I got a lot of things to be done and some of that still pending, quite busy till rubbish around the place don't have time to clean up...do i need someone to clean up for me? :P it's not busy actually but I'm lazy.

human/ people nowadays busy all the time, busy with what? busy with noting...it's including me, doing noting all the time then 24hours is like 24min, then your day become day past, noting to improve just sit in front computer, Google everything ...oh ya

about Google,
Google never give up, anything you asked, everything will appear but Google also got weakness, what it that? :) you can try to Google it for the answer.
Google never ending, it's will dead after the system down or the company bankrupt or the other meaning is outstanding

if you wanted to follow the Google, you will be missing a lot. what is it? the time that you wasting in front of computer. Time is gold, Google is good but Google also sometimes bad

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