Saturday, October 18, 2008

Kalimah Allah

click picture to enlarge
Wanna share some news. I just know this morning, its about kalimah Allah at Tapak Kuari around Bukit Tunjang Jitra, so I go there and found this and some say at morning we can saw very clear. Tomorrow morning maybe I will be there again and see different or not.

p/s: satu lagi, gambaq yang ada kereta tuh, ada cerita sket, kelmarin aku jumpa dia dgn kereta tu la, kelmarin bukan main ikut rapat kereta aku naik tuh, ari nie tut2 tgk2 ada lak dalam gambaq haha..aku xperasan pun masa ambik gambaq td, balik2 tranfer kat pc tgk2 eh ada dia lagi...kebetulan sungguh..kenari DAT *** number kena rahsia haha...pemamdu perempuan open hair pakai reben besaq sungguh :D


  1. Allahuakbar! menarik! =) more pictures would be interesting..

  2. Baity,really look like Kalimah Allah?
    yup next time maybe i will be they to capture morning poto...hopefully it's still there cause that Kuari still on work.

  3. xbrape clear sbb picture taken from side view but still nampak huruf 'lam lam ha' meremang juge bulu roma ni tgk, hehe

  4. huh itu la.. nie ambik waktu tngah hari, diorg cakp waktu pagi lagi nampak jelas, tu rasa nak g ambik len tu..

    hah meremang2 jugak, kalau nak tau tempat kuari tuh,(penjuru bukit) arah bukit dia menghala ke jalan leh kata jalan yang sibuk jugak la, kira semua org boleh tgk kalau perhati dan perasan..mmm renungkan2 :D

  5. haaa esok bangun lepas subuh tu, duduk kat sane mase matahari nak naik tu, haaa br cun amik shot time tuh, heheh, eee meremang dah ni, hehe

  6. uih deraih perli no..:D esok xleh lagi kot maybe lusa, esok bz sket:D

  7. xbermaksud utk perli,maaf ye
    ermm ouh yeke, xpe2 take ur time, good luck! =)

  8. haha...:D it's ok just joking, your sorry not acceptable :P okes tenqieuk..will update later about next shot..:)
